
Thursday, Sept. 5th, 9pm – Hopscotch Festival, Memorial Auditorium, Raleigh NC

28 Responses to Shows

  1. tom says:

    for the love of god please come back & play a show in Chicago

  2. Martin H says:

    Is there any chance you might come and play in the UK again? I know you played here long ago… but I couldn’t make it

  3. david baynes says:

    UK! UK! UK!

  4. Pea says:

    Please come to New York when the new album comes out!

  5. Flapjack says:

    come to Ann Arbor!

  6. Swindlebiscuit says:

    The End of the Road Festival needs you.

    I’m going to petition them to get you over to the UK 😉

  7. Would be a blast to have you guys come to Scotland. I’m sure the famous King Tuts and its denizens would offer you a warm Scottish welcome…er, not the weather though, but nobody visits Scotland for the weather! Excited ’bout the new album. Limbering up for the release with some Aztec Discipline today. Brilliant band, brilliant music. Hope we’ll see you sometime…Best!

  8. Cayne Rowan says:

    Toronto please!

  9. Martin Higgins says:

    Absolutely love the new album – thank you… again!

  10. dennis says:

    Guys love the new album and i think I hear a Court of the Crimson King riff and vocal harmony in song 10? Generally like the extended jams and prominent keys in this disc.

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